
What Is A Hybrid Resume Template

Practise you know what a hybrid resume format is? Learn all most the details and observe out if yous should consider information technology for your ain resume.

Combination and Hybrid Resume Guide

A resume is only ane part of your chore-hunting arsenal. But, it's an essential i because a resume is your get-go introduction to the company. It sums up your professional person history and should brand a compelling argument about why the employer should hire you.

Summarizing that history isn't always piece of cake, though. Which parts should yous emphasize on a resume? And, are at that place any parts of your history you'd rather not draw attending to? Your resume should tell a first-rate story about your professional life. Merely, what'south the best resume to do that?

Y'all're probably familiar with a chronological resume and you've probably heard of a functional resume, even if you lot've never used one. Simply, you may never accept heard of a hybrid resume. And, more than chiefly, y'all may not realize that a hybrid resume tin can help you lot tell the best professional story you tin can.

What Is a Hybrid Resume?

A hybrid resume, sometimes chosen a combination resume, combines the best parts of a chronological resume and a functional resume. This allows you to draw attention to the things y'all want a recruiter to discover and helps you lot draw attention away from the things you don't want to highlight without attempting to hibernate them.

Just like a functional resume, y'all highlight your notable and of import skills at the top of a hybrid resume. And, merely like a chronological resume, yous list your work history in engagement order and include a few key duties and accomplishments from each job.

Why Use a Hybrid Resume

While the combination resume is not as mutual as a chronological resume, it is gaining in popularity. In fact, equally Brie Reynolds, Career Development Manager and Coach for FlexJobs, points out, "Hybrid resumes take really become the standard resume in a lot of ways. They combine the best elements of chronological and functional resumes."

And, it'due south a format y'all should consider using for your next resume.

Recruiters Like Them

Information technology'southward truthful that a hybrid resume looks more similar a functional resume than a chronological resume in terms of how information technology's formatted on the page. But, while recruiters dislike functional resumes, they similar combination resumes.

This may be due, in part, to the fact that while a hybrid resume follows a functional resume approach (highlighting your skills at the top), it too uses a chronological arroyo to resume writing (listing chore duties nether job titles).

Reynolds explains. "A hybrid resume helps recruiters and hiring managers sympathise a candidate'southward value speedily, become the gist of their skills, then skim the chronological piece of work history for evidence that proves what the summary and skills department accept already told them."

Machines Like Them

Applicant tracking systems (ATS) scan your resume and await for sure keywords. The more than keywords y'all have, the more probable your resume will rank high in the ATS, making it more probable you'll state an interview.

Nevertheless, taking a agglomeration of keywords from the chore description and throwing them on your resume isn't the way to trounce the ATS. Well-nigh ATSs are programmed to wait for keywords in a certain pattern. Specifically, most look for keywords underneath a job title.

That works fine for a chronological resume. Just, when you use a functional resume, at that place are no duties (and, therefore, no keywords), tied to a specific title. Merely, with a hybrid resume, y'all've got some of the keywords tied to a job title, which improves your chances with the ATS.

Highlights Career Growth

The trouble with a functional resume it that it doesn't necessarily give you a risk to show off your career growth or career progression. When you lot're merely listing places of employment and job titles without job duties or accomplishments with information technology, the titles are almost meaningless. You lot can call yourself the Senior VP of Customer Relations, but what does that mean? Did y'all reply phones all mean solar day in a call center, or did y'all create client memory strategies?

Using a combination resume allows you to depict focus to all the skills you've learned in all your jobs over fourth dimension. And it also gives yous a way to demonstrate career growth. Past list off a few job duties, you lot can show that you lot were gradually given more responsibilities, even if that'south not always reflected in the championship.

Smooths over Employment Gaps

One of the biggest drawbacks of using a chronological resume is that information technology makes employment gaps glaringly obvious, and there's no way to downplay information technology. The advantage of a functional resume is that it'southward easier to downplay a gap in employment history. Notwithstanding, most recruiters know this and immediately think y'all're hiding something if you're using a functional resume.

While in that location is no manner to hide any employment gap, a hybrid resume gives you a take chances to prove recruiters that your employment gap is not that big of a deal. Past get-go drawing attention to your skills, so demonstrating that you've grown and progressed in your career, y'all may exist able to overcome any fears an employer has about your gap.

Proficient for a Career Pivot

Hybrid resumes are also great for career changers. One of the advantages of a functional resume for career changers is that it gives them a format to highlight their transferable skills when they lack direct feel in their new field.

However, with a functional resume, y'all can't bear witness off your career progression. With a hybrid resume, you lot can bear witness how, over time, you were trusted with more and more responsibleness. While that experience may not relate straight to the new field, the soft skills you've picked up (and likely some hard ones, too), show that you might be the right hire.

Combination Resume Pitfalls to Avoid

While hybrid resumes are gaining in popularity, that doesn't make them "perfect." At that place are several instances where yous should consider skipping the hybrid format.

Doesn't Provide Context

When yous employ a combination resume, you're pulling out and highlighting your acme skills. But, when those top skills aren't tied to a specific job, some recruiters may pass on your resume because they want to know the context of where y'all obtained every single skill.

Can be Repetitive

On a chronological resume, you list each job title and and so all of the job duties and accomplishments under each chore. On a functional resume, you list your skills and accomplishments in a "skills" header and don't tie them to a specific chore.

When you create a hybrid resume, you're list your noteworthy skills at the top of the resume. Then, you're listing out your job titles and noteworthy duties under each job.

The job duties list on a combination resume is shorter than on a chronological resume. Merely that doesn't hateful you won't duplicate yourself. While a skill is different from an accomplishment, which is different from a task duty, information technology'southward piece of cake to mix them all up and end up proverb the aforementioned thing over and over and over again.

Edit yourself often and advisedly. Make sure you aren't saying "team histrion" in your skills sections, your professional summary, and under your job duties. Mix up the language and make certain yous're listing unique items in each section.

Formatting a Hybrid Resume

Formatting a hybrid resume is very like to a chronological resume, but with a few distinct differences.

Contact Information

Similar every other resume format, offset with your contact data at the acme. At the very least, this should be your name, email, and phone number. If y'all take a LinkedIn profile or online portfolio, include those links. And, if you want to include social media data, this is the department for it.

Professional Headline

Some people include a professional headline. This is not the aforementioned equally an objective (which really isn't used anymore). A professional headline explains a little about yous and the type of work yous're seeking. It's like to a LinkedIn headline. And so, feel free to use your LinkedIn headline for inspiration, but don't copy it!

A solid, well-written headline is keen for all types of job seekers. For example:

For people looking for work in the aforementioned field:

  • Senior Auditor at XYZ, experienced with global accounting, financial
  • Reporting, Strategic Planning, Price Analysis, and Budget Analysis
  • Production Managing director: Cloud Computing and New Products, Strategic Partnerships, SaaS
  • Melt with extensive fine dining experience

For students:

  • Laurels roll student with tutoring experience
  • Graduating senior with background in customer support

For career changers:

  • Experienced editor skilled in spider web pattern
  • Graphic designer with extensive feel in copywriting

Summary Paragraph

The next department is your professional summary paragraph. It's similar to the professional summary you lot might use on whatever resume and is usually titled "Professional person Summary," or something similar. However, on a hybrid resume, the paragraph tends to be a petty longer than on a chronological resume because you are taking some of your chore duties and summarizing them here.

Key Skills

Only beneath the summary paragraph is the key skills section. This tin be a separate section with a header of "Primal Skills" or "Relevant Skills," for example. Or they can flow right from the summary paragraph.

On a functional resume, your skills are grouped by category, and so described in detail underneath the category. On a hybrid resume, there are no categories. Instead, the skills are listed, unremarkably in social club of importance or ability. While there are no rules, endeavor to start with your hard skills, then motion on to your soft skills.

Beneath are some examples of summary paragraphs and key skills sections:

An achieved communications leader with a passion for strategic thinking and a commitment to collaboration who excels at creating in uncharted waters. Proven track record of building tactical plans resulting in brand awareness and growth past influencing primal stakeholders to reach target goals. A visionary and implementation adept consistently creating and executing events, public relations, and multi-aqueduct marketing plans to ensure that communications strategies are effectively delivered.


Results-driven operations and sales leader with a consistent history of growing revenue. Expertise in establishing and executing processes, procedures, and polices to increase compliance, productivity, and profitability. Skilled in team edifice, strategic planning, training, and analytics. Successful 10-plus year working history with remote and distributed teams.


1 of the best job-hunting strategies you can use is to tailor your resume for each job. This doesn't mean rewriting your resume every time you utilise to a new job. It does, however, mean reading over the job description to make sure you are using the correct keywords on your resume.

For example, if a task listing wants someone with "client service" skills, make sure you don't say you've got excellent "customer service" skills. While those might be the aforementioned thing to yous, they might not be the same thing to the employer. And, if the ATS is programmed to look for "customer service," information technology won't run across "client service" and may rank your resume lower.

Work History

Adjacent up is your work history. You list it but like you would on a chronological resume. Get-go with your current or most recent job and piece of work your style backward about 10 to 15 years (or to the very kickoff, depending on your piece of work history).

And, merely like a chronological resume, you lot listing relevant duties and accomplishments nether each task title. Nonetheless, on a hybrid resume, you don't list every skill or duty. Hopefully, you lot covered most of those in the skills section.

For this section, pick out a few relevant duties and skills yous'd like to highlight in relation to that job. Then, explain what you did and how it benefited the employer. For example, instead of maxim, "addressed customer complaints," consider saying, "proactively addressed client concerns, resulting in a 92% retention rate."

If approaching your job duties in this method seems daunting, Reynolds offers some advice. She tells people to follow the STAR method, and it works like this: "Don't stop writing later you explicate the tasks you performed. Keep writing to include the results of your work. Why was it of import to do that task? What was the result? What happened or didn't happen because of information technology? Was money or time saved? What was different and meliorate as a result of information technology?"

Education and Training

List any education yous have in this section, merely like you would on any other resume. Mention the name of the schoolhouse, the dates you lot attended, and any caste you received. Also, if you take whatsoever specialized training, this is the section to mention it in.

Hybrid Resume Example

Curious what this looks like? Here's an case combination resume.

hybrid resume example

Perfecting Your Combination Resume

While there still isn't a "perfect" resume format, the hybrid resume lets you telephone call attention to your outstanding skills, without diminishing or hiding your piece of work history. As more and more job seekers notice the benefits of a combination resume, it's jump to become the "new standard."

FlexJobs' career coaches can help you lot format a hybrid resume that's perfect for yous and members go discounted access. Take the tour and learn about all the means FlexJobs can help power your job search.

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